Content Audit

Task: In this project, our primary objective was to optimize user experience and align content strategy with business objectives for key pages on the public-facing marketing website. Focusing primarily on HR tech, software, and benefits product pages, we conducted a comprehensive 20-page content audit to evaluate existing content relevance, clarity, and effectiveness.
My role: UX Researcher & Information Architect
Use-case: The 20 pages were all designed to market Unum products towards HR Plan Admins and insurance brokers.

Initial Audit

Assess current page layout & performance

Our approach began with in-depth consultations with relevant stakeholders to gain insights into current business strategies and objectives. Through these discussions, we aimed to understand the historical positioning of each page and identify areas requiring updates or enhancements to better serve both business goals and user needs.
Next, I pulled Google Analytics for each page and circled the most clicked event and least clicked event. Before updating the page it was important to understand what users did and didn't interact with. Then I outlined how pages in one section had similar page layouts so that we could create a loose template.

Priority map

As an Information Architect I always created a priority map to hand off to the UX Designer. These were intended to communicate priority of content on a page without suggesting a specific component.

Page template

With the help of our UX Designer, I created a loose page template for the Benefits section. The template served as a loose starting point rather than a strict standard.  When possible we wanted to stay consistent with how features were presented to create a more cohesive layout across the product pages.

User Test Screener & Contributor network

Once it was time to start testing individual pages, I created a screener that would ensure our testers matched our customer personas. I required specific metrics for the job type, age, country and salary. I also added two screener questions to ensure they had experience working in the specific sector of HR we needed.
However, some users were not able to provide insight into the HR industry as expected and lead us to believe they may have falsely qualified for the user test. To combat that I started each test by asking users to verbally state their role and experience working in HR. Their answer helped me decipher who to add to our contributor network. Overtime I developed a reliable HR Plan Admin contributor network that my peers utilized for quick and trustworthy feedback.

User test questions

Each page had a separate unmoderated remote user test created in I created a 15 question template that asked users to share their initial thoughts of the page, share concerns and suggestions, identify their favorite part of the page, and explain their willingness to get a demo after visiting the product page.


In each of my reports I would first bring context to the page by sharing what the business strategists expressed as page priorities. Then I would list a summary of the user feedback, followed by recommendations to  address each piece of critical user feedback.
Below you can see one of the documents I would provide to legal and compliance to highlight areas of the page that were updated.

Design Validation

I created a design validation for each content audit page to report the effect our update had on the page performance.Challenge: I worked with a developer to try utilizing Sitecore's A/B testing. However, we found the tracking was flawed and produced inaccurate traffic amounts, so I created a qualitative A/B test instead. I created an interactive prototype in Adobe Illustrator that allowed users to navigate between the new and original page designs to give feedback via Quantitatively we reported on Google Analytics and recorded average time on page, event amount, and sales CTA clicks(Like a "request Demo" button.) In two cases our changes produced negative qualitative feedback in the design validation. We addressed the friction points and launched another A/B test that then resulted in positive user feedback.

XD Prototype & questionnaire for A/B test

Communicate Impact

Based on the design validation, I would report our team's impact during the larger UX  team meetings. This was useful to showcase the improvements our content audit provided. I also shared relevant research findings that my peers could apply to their own projects since the majority of UX projects were targeted towards the HR Plan Admin personas.

Lastly, I created an Excel document that centralized the design validation results. The Excel document functioned as a key performance indicator(KPI) dashboard where the green cells indicated improved page performance and the red cells indicated decreased performance.

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